Buying Guide For SEO


I put together this buying guide to help you find the best match for your SEO needs. When looking for an SEO company one of the first things that you should be looking at is:

1.) Can this SEO company help themselves?

More often than not SEO companies cannot even rank themselves for competitive search terms in their own area of business. Now this doesn’t have to be a national term such as best SEO comapany in the USA but it should be something a little competitive. Say for instance you live in the Boston area. If your SEO company cannot get themselves on the first page of Google for SEO in Boston or SEO Boston or something to that effect I would be a bit cautious about using them. The same goes for any other city. They should be at least be able to get some sort of rankings to demonstrate that they can get themselves ranked. Even if it’ something not super competitive like NYC SEO Expert.

2.) Am I important to them

Another important aspect is are they going to treat you like you actually matter to them? A lot of the giant SEO firms promise big rankings and then hand you off to an account manager who knows very little about optimization. i just recently talked to a client that was using one of these companies and they would not even answer his emails let alone talk to him on the phone. This is a bad start to a long relationship and most likely their cookie cutter SEO is going to do literally nothing for you.

These are two very important points about choosing the correct SEO company for your company. You may have noticed that price is not one of the important factors in choosing an SEO company. This is because if you choose the right company and they are turning the money that you give them into real paying customers the SEO is almost like its free.

William Smith is an SEO Expert in Boston and NYC his company has helped many local and national businesses get top ranking in Google. For more information about Boston SEO and to check out his latest post visit his Facebook page at . To visit their office:

Boston SEO Services
30 Newbury St. 3rd Flr.
Boston, MA 02116

Losing weight through the use of Carb Cycling


One of the most effective ways to lose weight is through reducing the amount of carbohydrates that are taken into your body during the day. This method of weight loss can have you dropping up to 10 pounds in the first week alone. This method of reduced carbohydrate intake is effective but it can be quite hard for some people to handle. Another effective way and in some cases even better than a low carbohydrate diet is the method of carbohydrate cycling. This method has you eating a regular carb diet on some days and a low carb diet on other days. Chris Powell has mastered the art of this carb cycling technique and you can find some great info on YouTube about his program.  To see some carb cycling results and to find out if carb cycling is the right fit for you, check out the video below.